Saturday, January 8, 2011


The article I chose to read + summarize was a relatively short one, but it interested me the most of the few I looked at which is why I chose to post about it. The article is titled Student Spotlight: Fr. Anzia. ( article is essentially just a short paragraph describing and providing pictures for an assignment where students were asked to redesign the packing for Franzia Boxed Wine. I liked this article because of what the students did with the repackaging. I thought their decision to change the logo to Fr. Anzia from Franzia was nice because just like they said in the article, it upheld the integrity of the product by keeping the original letters but sort of gave it a fresh new twist by breaking the letters up. I also liked the way they used shield/monestary-esque symbol in the  logo because of the way it works with the Fr. abbreviation also being synonomous with Friar. In general I liked this article because outwardly the changes the students made to the Franzia Boxed Wine were very simple and even subtle yet inwardly they are very effective in achieving their desired purpose.

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