Sunday, February 20, 2011


The presentation by the 3 students who had been through the design program at OSU was enjoyable because it was nice to get a feel for what the program actually entailed, what sort of design skills it will help you develop, and what kind of work graduates of a design program can attempt to get involved with. Although I am only pursuing the design minor, it was still worth while to get get a feel for what people who are pursuing design full time are capable of and what their aspirations are. It seems that there are very few entry-level positions available for "Designers" out in workforce. Moreover, the positions that exist do not fall under one distinct umbrella category, which makes it difficult to compare the types of jobs that individuals with design skill sets actually get involved with. Design is a concept that is very mysterious and foreign to those individuals that do not have a direct interest in it, which would be the majority of the world/U.S. For individuals to truly learn what design is, what designers do, and what they are capable of requires them to have some exposure with someone from a design related field. It was nice to see how some recent design graduates were putting their skills and abilities in use around the Columbus area, and to see how they were attempting to market and describe their services to clients. It was also neat to see the kind of projects they worked on while in the program here, in part because it showed what some of the more technical and specific design skills individuals learn outside of the generic intro classes are, and then also because it gave the class a slight feel for how the presenters went about tackling a design problem.

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