Sunday, March 13, 2011


Overall, I enjoyed the Design 200 class this quarter very much. I thought that Gabe did a very good job trying to make what could have been a very plain, generic, and remedial class as fun and interesting as possible. For starters, I liked the blog format very much. Although I did not use it much for the purpose of reading and reviewing the work of my peers, I thought it was very convenient to have all of my work in the class located in one place, that I could access from anywhere with an internet connection. I also enjoyed how easy the blog format made it to submit assignments for the class. Simply publishing a post is much more convenient than printing out and turning in a hard copy. Regarding the in class activities and lectures, I thought that Gabe was very knowledgable of the material he was presenting, and accordingly was also aware of how dry and dull some of the topics could get so he made many attempts to present the material in as engaging and interesting a way as possible. The class was made much more enjoyable and bearable because of the positive and understanding attitude that Gabe brought to the table. One major way I feel that the experience could be improved would be to reduce the size of the class, but that is obviously something that the instructor has no control over and something that is a hard thing to do at a university like OSU.


Links to my A05 teammates' blogs:

Link to J08 and J09

Our team worked on creating a proposal to bring Coleman brand wallpaper that both reflects/replicates nature and that can also detect carbon monoxide. The most recent decision made were regarding who would work on developing which parts of the presentation. The team worked very well both organizationally and personally. As a group we did a good job because we all had different skills and talents which we brought to the project.

I personally fulfilled a few roles for this project. One of the main ones was identifying/finding the material that reacts to the presence of carbon monoxide. I also tried to help facilitate the conversation when we were working in the group setting to help make sure that work was being delegated properly and evenly across the group. When we were giving our presentation, I introduced and the project/product to try to break the ice and set the stage for my other group members because many of them were not overly comfortable speaking in front of a group. I feel that I could have done more to try to help my group members with the oral part of their presentations to both make them more comfortable and help with the material they were presenting.

Saturday, March 5, 2011


Lately our team has been working on developing our product/project as much as possible to have it prepared to present by the upcoming Monday (March 7) deadline. The decision has been made to pursue a Coleman line of indoor wall-paper, that reminds its users of the outdoors while they are forced to spend time indoors and also doubles as a carbon monoxide detector. The team has been working very well organizationally, each of us have different strengths and unique traits which we are bringing to the project. Thus far, in addition to the contributions noted in last week's post, I have tried to provide as many ideas as posible and help to facilitate and move our project forward during the in-class work sessions. Additionally, I did the research to find the material that detects and changes colors in the presence of carbon monoxide that we are using on our in our product. I have also typed the information regarding this aspect of our project and information regarding the client/user up for the power point presentation.